Friday, May 18, 2007

Sin is Serious >=(

Sexual sin... impurity... moral compromise. In any form, in any circumstance, its effects are devastating. Sin rips lives and hearts apart- destroying innocence, beauty, and joy. Sin's consequences often follow us for the rest of our lifetime, and sometimes even the next generations must pay the price for the mess we have made of our lives.
The most damaging result of sin is that it pushes us away from our Creator. We carry the guilt of what we've done in our hearts- attempting to keep it hidden from Him, and then we end up wandering helplessly and alone, miles away from the One who loves us.
Growing up in Christian circles, I often observed the issue of sexual sin being treated lightly. There is some truth to that statement. Yes, we will all make mistakes, but this does not mean it is inevitable that will all fall into sexual sin, or the purity is impossible, and that we are just a ''victim of culture'' if we cannot achieve it. Yes, God does offer grace and forgiveness, and He can give us a spiritually speaking. But we should never take advantage to His wonderful grace. And we should never treat our sin lightly. In the eyes of a holy God, our sin is detestable.
When we take this attitude toward sexual sin- that it's too hung up over it- we deny the awesome and amazing power of what Christ did for us on the cross. In truth, sexual sin is horrifying. It breaks the heart of God. It destroys that natural perfect order of love that God created between a man and woman. It violates us. We should feel remorse when we sin in this way... and we should realize the gravity of what we have done. And yet, that's not where it should end.

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